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Breathtaking Stories of Celebs Who Have Lost Weight

These days, society has very unforgiving views about weight. It’s hard enough for normal people to keep up with and conform to these often unrealistic standards, but for celebrities, it can be a real nightmare. This is because they are constantly in the limelight and are, therefore, subject to major scrutiny by the public, constantly. It’s no wonder that stars often succumb to extreme measures in the name of weight loss—from surgeries – like tummy tuck and other cosmetic procedures – to healthier diets and hiring fitness trainers. One thing’s for sure—none of this come cheap, so it helps that they have the fat bank accounts to afford fancy doctors and plastic surgeries!

Ed Sheeran

British crooner Ed Sheeran seemed to have changed his image overnight, from chubby, awkward kid in 2016 to a more fit, tattooed guy, just in a matter of days! Ed admitted that thanks to hitting the gym and cutting down on beer, he lost an amazing 50 pounds! We’re pretty sure he also hired an expensive nutritionist in the mix to develop the best possible diet plan. Hey, if you have the money, why not spend it well!

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