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Stars You Wouldn’t Recognize Today

It is a grim fact of life that celebrities rely heavily on looks first and foremost while talent comes in at a close second. This is the reason why most bankable stars do not just look good but are often downright beautiful. However, this does not mean that they are spared from the ravages of time and age, though the public tends to forget that little fact.

As a result, it is always a surprise to see stars getting older and not at all looking a bit like they used to. No wonder some desperately resort to cosmetic surgery and other kinds of treatment to keep the effects of time at bay. Sadly, not all procedures are successful, and it’s always sad to see once-beautiful stars looking very different from how we know and remember them. Let’s see how some of our favorites have fared the test of time.

Melanie Griffith

Melanie Griffith, daughter of legendary actress Tippi Hedren and mother of rising star Dakota Johnson, was a real bombshell in the late 70s through the 80s. She played racy roles in films like Working Girl and Night Moves, which made her a real object of desire throughout that period. Now 60 years old, her looks have definitely taken a beating through the years with several plastic surgery procedures and just the general effects of time. It looks like she has since transferred the mantle of being a Hollywood bombshell to daughter Dakota.

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