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Could You Manage to Recession-proof Your Savings? Start Now!

Recession impacts your yavings and without a job, your savings could pay your bills. Even with a job, your investment value and passive income you earn from them, could reduce as stock prices may fall. According to Schroders, the S&P 500 stock index fell to an average of 6.4% during American recessions since 1929. In the midst of the Great Depression, the S&P returns plummeted down by 80% and during the Great Recession, they fell over 37%.

Source: Pexels

A) Preparing for Recession:

Strengthen your savings rather than hoping for the best. Some steps to build up savings when recession strikes.

1) Build Up Emergency Savings An emergency fund must be your top priority. Most CPA financial planners confirm that Americans can prepare for a severe economic downturn with savings set aside for emergencies like job loss or sudden medical bills to cover at least three to six months’ of living expenses

2) Review Your Investments periodically to diversify and cushion investments from market volatility such as stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities and inflation-protected Treasuries. Although consumers curtail spending during recession, they need health care, electricity, utilities, and food. Also assess risk tolerance and time horizon to retirement.

3) Reduce Debt Pay off high-interest debt, such as credit card payments, to avoid paying interest during a recession. Think about balance transfer credit cards with 0% introductory APRs or debt consolidation loans with reduced interest rates.

4) Stash Other Savings in Higher-Yield Investments Consider opening a money market account (MMA) or certificate of deposit (CD) when you have your emergency savings. You could also think about creating a CD ladder, which consists of CDs with terms ranging from three months to one year. T-bills are the safest investment option since they are backed by the federal government, while government bonds are another choice for longer-term savings.

B) During a Recession:

Source: Pexels

Ensure that money saved doesn’t vanish overnight.

1) Trim Expenses by cooking at home, canceling unused and wasteful subscriptions like TV and movie streaming services, gym memberships and shop for deals for groceries to car insurance. Create a budget for your household using a budgeting app or budgeting spreadsheet. Stick to the budget

2) Negotiate Your Bills by contacting service providers to be paid monthly, for discounts or co0mpetitors with lower or promotional offers.

3) Delay Major Purchases like a new sofa or a car, or buy second-hand. 

C) When Things Get Bad:

Source: Pexels

Recession can devastate finances, but all average recessions since 1980, never exceeded 10 months. Keep on saving diligently to stabilize finances during the economic downturn with discipline, commitment, and a plan. With an established savings routine, you can set aside money each pay period. Maintain an emergency fund to cover roughly three to six months’ of household expenses in a high-yield savings account, with quick cash access besides earning interest. Savings ensures being financially prepared for unexpected recession because you can lose your job or have reduced work hours.

Recession-proof your savings to manage possible income loss and maximize returns if you’re lucky to have savings untouched during recession. Building the emergency fund and reducing debt can recession-proof your savings.Certificates of Deposits (CDs), Government bonds, High-yield savings accounts, and money market accounts, must be part of savings strategy. Cutting household expenses ensures more money to meet expenses, during a recession.

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