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Things to Check For Before Investing in an Art Piece

Buying a piece of art isn’t like buying groceries at a shop. Much information and time is taken for buying art that it can be intense and overwhelming. But, it need not be! Buying art is a truly enjoyable experience that you wish to repeat again, if you’re prepared. If choosing to buy art without any preparation, you could be disappointed with your purchase, and even regret your decisions. Take a look at these things to check before buying any piece of art.

Who is the artist?

Creator: FOTOGRAFIA INC. | Credit: Getty Images

Buying art is an investment. It is to be enjoyed, and passed down through generations, and possibly gives enhanced value in the future. Nobody wants to buy a knockoff from a department store. To ensure that authenticity of the piece of art, you must study the artist’s works, through your internet research or visit art galleries or the artist, if possible to assess their works, their worth and their history. Find out where their art is represented, awards given, contact other collectors (private, corporate, and public) who collect their art, where they studied, and the organizations they belong to. If you are happy with all this information, retain these details with your artwork until you sell it or pass it on.

How significant is the art?

If buying art from a gallery, speak to officials to know more about the artwork you may buy. Discuss the history and themes behind this specific artwork, as also the artist’s other works. If the seller does not know much, it is possibly insignificant. Make sure to inspect all signatures, dates, frames, or any writing on artwork and have it explained to you thoroughly. Is the artwork original? A reproduced artwork affects its value.

Does the artwork have proper documentation?

Creator: fstop123 | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

It may be silly, but authentic, expensive, and professional artworks have documentation, in the form of signature, previous owners, newspaper mentions or awards. This information increases the desirability, collectability and authenticity of the artwork. If buying from a gallery, request them to write down all information about the artwork and let them sign it. If stretching the truth, it is on record.

Is the price fair?

Nobody can truly assess the price of art, because fashions, trends, popularity, trends, are constantly changing. However, you can estimate and decide whether the pricing is fair. If the artwork is unique it doesn’t mean it must be expensive. Check out asking prices by comparing it with similar artworks on the market, both in physical form and online. This takes time, so avoid snap decisions.

Do you really like it?

Credit: Shutterstock | Copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 guruXOX/Shutterstock.

Okay, having endured the above, why buy any piece of art if you don’t like it? Visit the artwork a few times before you finalise buying it you like it and it grows on you. Envisage it adorning your desired room, and possibly printing a smaller version of it, to stick it on the wall, just to be sure!

So when you purchase artwork, make sure you have followed our advice and are suitably prepared. Do not rush into purchasing anything and ensure that all relevant information available with you before parting with any money. If you’re still not sure, then there’s nothing wrong with getting a second opinion.

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