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How You Can Start a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Crowdfunding becomes increasingly popular these days. This causes projects to fight for page views and pledges, especially on portals featuring thousands and thousands of them in the same time. So, if Kickstarter is your only hope to get funded, you might be in a serious trouble. It is clearly hard to ensure that your campaign is properly optimized and slated for success. We researched several projects that were recently successfully funded to determine crowdfunding strategies, and techniques that led them to their goals. Read on to see, what we’ve got.

Get Ready for the Face Off

Crowdfunding can help you see how your ideas are perceived before you bring them to life. However, your campaign should be extensive. Otherwise, don’t expect your audience to invest. People want to support a campaign that they believe in. All the ideas should be properly fleshed out and ready for execution.

Strategize Your Social Media Presence

Your presence in the social media has to be wise and provide you with a wide reach. Choose networks that match your content and marketing strategies best and where you are most likely to find your potential supporters. Also, remember to customize your promotion for each of the platforms. For example, Bigtree Bonsai, an indie band, managed to raise $6,956 (nearly twice as what they’ve targeted) through IgnitionDeck after adding a #letsmakearecord hashtag to their campaign.

Make an Amazing Video

You can use videos to give a better idea about your project to visitors. It just works better, than images, because the audience can see the product in action. However, don’t try to make a video clip, if you don’t have the time, expertise, and resources it requires. You don’t want it to look amateurish, as this can simply damage the credibility of your campaign.

Practical Media Page Is a Huge Advantage

Most successful crowdfunding projects are usually getting press coverage. However, this will not happen without a good website and some press-releases available for download. Even if you’re all alone in your efforts, don’t think that your Facebook page is a universal tool. If there’s not enough information about your project for journalists, they will most likely pass on it.

Press releases and tours are very effective. A video game named Star Citizen ended up raising $14 million and its campaign included a press tour that was carried out well before launching the crowdfunding part.

Don’t Ask for Money Right Away

Focus on telling your story and sharing your enthusiasm about the project. This will naturally draw people to it and they will start supporting you. Remember that the people funding you expect to get something in return. Whether it is a physical product or an emergency relief operation swinging into action, they want a return on investment.

Build Interest Prior to Starting the Campaign

You can raise the hype about your project in advance, before launching your crowdfunding campaign. A base of faithful followers and fans will help you to start off with a solid audience. One of the prominent examples to do this was Adam Baker. Before launching a campaign for his I’m Fine, Thanks documentary, he accumulated a solid base of followers through his Man Vs. Debt blog. As a result, he won over 4,000 supporters.

Make Sure to Communicate with Your Audience

Your supporters and overall audience should be up to date on your project. Thus, publish regular updates on your project’s page and continue doing it after the campaign is closed.

Introduce Your Team

Make sure your backers get to know your team that works on the project. No mater, if you own a well-established business or a startup. The better your audience knows you, the more willing they are to provide their support.

Engage Your Existing Fanbase

Veronica Mars sitcom made a huge stake on attracting the show’s existing fanbase in its crowdfunding campaign and this earned the film enough funding to get to the big screen. Although the campaign wasn’t successful in attracting new interest, but it had a very smart approach towards the audience that has already been Veronica Mars’ fans. Make sure that your supporters are ready to identify with your project’s rewards and goals.

Engage All the Other People

Your campaign should not only give a special nod to your supporters, but as well be appealing to the wide audience. Perhaps, one of the finest ways to do this is to create a reward template with various price points. Even, if you’re unable to offer a physical reward for small donations, like $1, you may still provide these supporters with early access to your product or service, some special features, etc.

Unfortunately, there’s no 100% guarantee that your campaign is going to become successful. But you may increase your chances by following the tips provided here.

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