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What NOT to Wear to an Upcoming Job Interview

Knowing what items of clothing to don to an all-important interview has become rather tricky as a classic suit isn’t always the correct choice. Take time to review what kind of culture prevails in the company that you are applying to and then match your attire as the success of this interview hinges on it. You are confident about what you will say, now do work on what you intend to wear. First impressions count and your dress provide the interviewer an insight about who you are and whether you are a good fit.  Your personality and skills do matter, but your appearance and attire reflects your ambitions, professionalism, and suitability levels for the job. We provide an overview of what must be avoided!

Put your best foot forward

Creator: RickLordPhotography | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Never wear flip-flops as you are not spending a day at the beach! Even if a fun, casual company will avoid watching a prospective employee’s feet at an interview. Don’t wear sneakers, not even smart ones. Just wear formal shoes, either court shoes or brogues. Don’t risk very high heels, as these look unprofessional and you may end up tottering about on them.

Put it away

Remember that you are a professional being interviewed. Review your outfit 360 degrees and ensure your boxers, bra strap, or cleavage are not showing. Your belly should remain covered in a work environment, despite cropped tops being fashionable. Ensure your clothes are ironed, well- fitting, to avoid awkward wardrobe malfunctions, and to feel comfortable.

Dress to mega-impress

Creator: fizkes | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Unless you insist on a fashionable, well-tailored short-suit, shorts just do not belong in any office environment. No jeans in your interview allowed, even if staff members of the company wear them. Don’t be bending rules before you even know them! Leggings are comfortable on a lazy Saturday, or on shopping trips but not in the office. Dress for the job that makes you look comfortable at the same time. If you are uncomfortable in any outfit, it may affect your confidence in the interview.

Smell you later

Wearing perfume or cologne is a great idea; but don’t overdo it. Strong scents distract the interviewer, especially if they don’t like the smell, or induces negative memories and hence is a bad move. Go for subtlety so you feel confident, without people smelling you even before your arrival!

Shun the bling

Creator: lechatnoir | Credit: Getty Images

Wearing jewellery to an interview is okay, if it reflects your personality; do choose tasteful pieces without overdoing it. Too much jewellery gives the wrong impression, or you look as if dressed for a night out rather than an interview. Check the company’s policy on piercings and adhere to their rules for the interview.


Creator: gpointstudio | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

If you dress the part well, you are confident about your chances. You impress the interviewer that your willingness to take the job seriously as a professional, and dressing right, helps you perform too. Everyone knows you have to walk the walk and talk the talk, but you do it in a classy manner. What you wear complements who you are and not detract from what you say; so wear something you are comfortable in and is work appropriate. Wearing the right clothes gives you the edge you need to land the job. So buy a new spiffy blazer, and good luck!


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